Special Extra Episode, Daria

Special Extra Episode, Daria

Hello and welcome to this very special extra episode of the Podcast. I am proud to share this week’s episode with you and can not wait to introduce you to my friend, Daria Kolomiec. Daria and I met this summer as she was studying at my former art conservatory. She was featured in the New York TImes for her work as a DJ and for her anti-war activism. When we met, I had just returned from Eastern Europe and it felt like Daria and I somehow just knew each other from another world despite the fact that she was just living a few blocks away from my apartment in New York City! We became quick friends and have been in close contact ever since. Fun fact: She wrote the Music to this Podcast and generally has been a priceless helper and adviser to me on this project.

Interview with Daria

If you would like to find out more about Daria or follow her journey and work, please consider following her @dariakolomiec, on her musicurs app or check out her website. She also gladly takes donations and is currently performing around the United States again to raise money for Ukraine. 

Thank you for listening to Inside the Other Side. I am always happy to connect with you listeners via email or on social media @insidetheotherside.

Slava Ukraini!